
Located in drf_tester.utils this class is the glue that makes it all work.

It contains the setUp method to be run before every test, as well as some helper functions and Object variables.

Check out the code for more details.

Built-in Functions

Some generic methods are created for DRYer single-action test classes.

  • get_admin_user(self, data: dict) -> User

  • get_active_user(self, data: dict) -> User

  • get_active_staff(self, data: dict) -> User

  • get_model_instances(self) -> list

Object Variables

Some Object-level variables are declared outside of setUp for convenience.

  • EXACT_AMOUNT: if is set to an integer value, get_model_instances will return a list of instances of exactly that size.

  • MIN and MAX: used as limits when using random.randint to create a list of instances of random size. Default: 5 and 10.


The variables required for correct operation:

self.endpoint = None    # string with the url of the endpoint
self.factory = None     # factory-boy class to create model instances
self.model = None       # the model accessed through the endpoint
self.instance_data = {}     # dict of valid SERIALIZED data for instance creation
self.view = viewsets.YourViewSet.as_view({"get": "list", "post": "create", "put": "update", "delete": "destroy"})
self.user_data = {}     # Required for authenticated user testing
self.admin_data = {}    # Required for super user testing
self.staff_data = {}    # Required for staff user testing
self.USER_FIELD_NAME = 'creator'    # Required for testing user object access

Access Level

Once you know what level of access each kind of user should have, just add those classes to your tests, after APITestCase.


from drf_tester.viewsets import anon, admin, auth

class YourViewSetTest(APITestCase, anon.AnonNoAccess, auth.AuthFullAccess, admin.AdminFullAccess):
    """To test a ModelViewSet with IsAuthenticated as the only Permission

    def setUp(self):